Ask one question
Each day we have conflicting thoughts on our mind in which some decisions needs to be taken. At all such moments taking a crucial decision need some help or guidance. Astrology through the uncanny technique of prashna guides you through this maze of uncertainties called life. Is it a moment of crisis, and you need to take an immediate decision? Is it a business situation that requires prompt action or a personal crisis in which you require guidance as soon as possible. Consult The Grand Master of 'Ask a Question'.
Requirements for this product
The question should be specific and from one horoscope only. You should not ask "How will be my future in the next five years" or "How will I fare in my job in the next one year" etc.
Package Cost and Payment details
The cost of this report is INR 3995 or US$ 56.95 apx.
Payments are accepted via Credit Cards, NetBanking, PayPal or Indian Rupee Demand Drafts/Cheques.
Reports will be delivered to the email address provided within 7-14 working days from receipt of payment.